We continue our theme on race and ADHD as we welcome men’s mental health advocate John Hazelwood to Translating ADHD. A nuclear...
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We continue our theme on race and ADHD as we welcome fellow ADHD coach and psychotherapist Inger Shaye Colzie back to Translating ADHD...
The show pivots this week to explore race and culture and how they both inform one’s own lived experience. Shelly and Cam welcome fellow...
Have you ever noticed being sensitive to too much noise or visual stimuli? Last week the hosts shared the concept of processing modalities...
Shelly and Cam continue to explore the ‘your context matters’ theme by looking at how modalities can inform an individual’s lived...
Hi, everyone! We had some important stuff come up, and in the name of self-care we chose to take a mulligan. We look forward to returning...
Shelly and Cam continue to explore the lived experience theme for the new season with a deep dive into personal narratives. Our personal...
Cam and Shelly kick off the third season of the Translating ADHD podcast entertaining an often-asked question in ADHD circles – Is...
As season two comes to an end, Cam and Shelly reflect on their learning over the last year in hosting the podcast together. Cam appreciates...
Individual context matters and no more when we start to look at the interplay of ADHD and other areas of challenge like trauma or...