Cam and Shelly step into their first deep dive into the greater cultivating a practice theme with an exploration of perspective work, a...
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Hosts Shelly Collins and Cameron Gott pivot away from their exploration of emotions and emotional dysregulation and introduce a central...
Shelly and Cam continue to explore emotions beyond ‘emotional dysregulation’ looking at a phenomenon they call emotional modes. Because of...
Shelly and Cam continue their exploration of the connection between positive emotions and positive structures. This week they focus on...
As Shelly and Cam shift in the direction of the role of positive emotions in motivation and activation, they pause to consider the...
This week Cam and Shelly pivot from the recent focus on negative emotions to positive emotions. Emotions are the on-off switch for action...
This week we continue our exploration of big signal emotions as we explore rejection. Cam and Shelly discuss that with ADHD on board it’s...
This week we return to our exploration of big signal emotions as we dig into shame. Shame is no stranger for those of us living with ADHD...
This week Shelly and Cam use a client story as a vehicle to explore emotion and emotional dysregulation. To have ADHD is to have challenges...
Emotions are key to driving beliefs and behaviors. They also play a big part in effective ADHD management. Emotions also drive big signal...