Asher and Cam continue in the vein of being misunderstood with ADHD, and how we can create our own misunderstanding in the form of red...
Latest episodes
Ash and Cam shift their focus to the workplace with regard to the current story arc on being misunderstood with ADHD. Leading with Yours...
Ash and Cam dig deeper into the being misunderstood theme by looking at the very unique ADHD phenomenon of trying to explain our ADHD when...
Cam and Asher continue to explore the topic of being misunderstood with ADHD. Nowhere does this play out more dramatically than in our...
Ash and Cam begin a new series on a ubiquitous ADHD experience – being misunderstood. ADHD operates out of sight and in the...
Ash and Cam often speak of the Understand, Own, Translate model that is so ubiquitous to the mission of the Translating ADHD podcast...
Cam takes Ash and listeners on a field trip to the land of ADHD causation, introducing listeners to Cam’s own Meaning Maker (MM). Veteran...
Following up on last week’s episode of emotional autopilot, Ash and Cam explore some of the motivations for this behavior. We do what we...
Ash and Cam continue to pull the thread on getting distance from the Adrenaline Response Cycle as they explore common emotional responses...
To be untethered can mean a lot of things in mental health circles. Often it is referred to as one not being grounded or tethered to...