In this episode of Translating ADHD, hosts Ash and Dusty explore the often contentious relationship between individuals with ADHD and exercise. They discuss the cultural stigma surrounding body image and the challenges of maintaining a consistent...
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Dusty explore the vital theme of self-acceptance in the context of living with ADHD. They discuss the challenges faced by individuals, particularly those who were late-diagnosed, and how societal values...
In this episode of Translating ADHD, hosts Ash and Dusty delve into Dusty’s personal journey with ADHD, exploring her path from diagnosis to becoming an influential ADHD coach. Dusty shares her early experiences and the revelation that came...
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Cam and Ash explore the significance of context and how it relates to our sense of self or self-identity. They discuss the importance of recognizing and leaning into our strengths and how this can help shift our...
Cam and Ash continue to explore important ADHD distinctions around basic needs as they dig into belongingness and love needs. Humans will often seek out connection more so than other basic needs, especially those in the self care arena. The need for...