This week Cam and Shelly continue their discussion on competence and confidence diving into Cam’s productivity tool REBEL by taking a closer look at R and Remember to Remind the Brain.Remember to Remind the brain addresses the memory challenges with...
This week Cam and Shelly continue their discussion on competence and confidence diving into Cam’s productivity tool REBEL by taking a closer look at the first E and Expand the Mind.For a group with wide ranging imaginations & perspectives those...
This week we are delighted to present another special episode dedicated to exploring the lived experiences of people of color with ADHD by presenting an interview with ADHD Parent Advocate and Coach Rhashidah Perry Jones. Rhashidah has spent the...
This week Cam and Shelly continue their discussion on competence and confidence diving into Cam’s productivity tool REBEL by taking a closer look at L and Limit Scope. Those of us with ADHD know a thing or two about over committing and over...
As ADHD adults we often undermine ourselves in the areas of building confidence and competence. We find ourselves overwhelmed with choices in these areas, not knowing where to start or which actions will serve us best. This week, Cam and Shelly...
This week, Cam and Shelly continue our conversation on ADHD and Imposter Syndrome by examining how listeners can begin to move beyond Imposter Syndrome. In addition to naming and distinguishing Imposter Syndrome when it is happening, there are ways...