An ADHD Productivity Tool: REBEL and Balanced Attack

Episode 72

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This week Cam and Shelly continue their discussion on competence and confidence diving into Cam’s productivity tool REBEL by taking a closer look at B and Balanced Attack.

Balanced Attack addresses ADHD tendencies around motivation. The first is our tendency to follow what is interesting and to struggle to engage with tasks that do not engage the interest based attention system we have ad ADHD people. The next is our tendency as ADHD adults to rely on urgency and the adrenaline response to urgency to motivation, especially for tasks that we cannot motivate for based on interest.

Balanced Attack is about managing tasks that are uninteresting or otherwise challenging for those of us with ADHD so that we have more time, space, and bandwidth for what matters.

The REBEL model:
Remember to remind the brain
Expand the mind
Balanced Attack
Exposure to time, to new experiences
Limit scope, start with what you know

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Episode 72